general information
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Organizátor: Rumningklap z.s., Záluží 64, Třemošná, 33011
Datum: 3.-9. 5. 2025
Závody: 6D, 72H, 48H, 24H, 12H, 50km
Místo: Konstantinovy Lázně, Česká Republika
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The length of the circuit is 2854 meters with an elevation of 12 meters. The entire track runs along an asphalt road without traffic. Half of the circuit is illuminated by public lighting, the other half is lit by portable lighting at night and marked with light points.
The race track was designed in accordance with the rules of athletics, it meets all the conditions of the IAAF/AIMS methodology for measuring tracks outside the track.
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Registrace proběhne vyplněním přihlášky na stránce závodu a zaplacením startovného nejpozději do 31.3.2025 na účet 2301214714/2010, VS 23420222. Do poznámky uveďte jméno, příjmení, stát a případně tým.
Prohlášení o účasti na závodu K6 na vlastní odpovědnost a vlastní nebezpečí bude podepsáno při prezentaci.
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A: At your own expense at La Rocca campsite. that the cabins are not heated! We recommend your own direct top, or contact the organizers.
B: Shared in heated mobile homes, occupied by three participants. Price per person CZK 4300 / 8 nights.
C: Spa hotels with a discount for race participants. The hotels Jirásek and Purkyně are the closest to the circuit.
time schedule of the race
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6-denní, 24/48 hodin: start 3.5.2025 ve 12:00
50km: start 4.5.2025 v 10:00
72 hodin: start 6.5.2025 v 12:00
12 hodin: start 9.5.2025 v 0:00
measurement of distance and results
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The number of laps and the distance traveled will be measured by electronic chips, which the competitor will have on his ankle. The running order will be available on the screen in the start/finish area and also online. During the race, the participant is required to wear a visible starting number.
The order in individual races will be announced according to the race in which the participant is registered. Participants in the 48-hour and 6-day races will also figure in the results of the 24/48-hour race. The final course through the start/finish area before the time limit expires will be decisive. Measurement will be possible after prior agreement with the organizer. Within the individual races (12/24/48 hours, 6-day) there will be a measurement for all participants
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The K6 race is governed by IAU rules
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Při registraci je nutné podepsat potvrzení o účasti v závodě na vlastní odpovědnost a na vlastní nebezpečí. Zdravotní certifikát není vyžadován.
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7-9 a.m.-breakfast: coffee, tea, pastries, cheese, pate, salami, honey, butter, jam, yogurt,...
1-2 p.m.-lunch: various goulash, pasta, meat, fish, rice, mashed potatoes,...
7-8 p.m.-dinner: various pastas, meat, rice, salad, ...
02 o'clock - soup
Always a vegetarian alternative!
Food will be served in a tent in the start/finish area. The escort can use catering and refreshments for CZK 4,500/6-day
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During the whole day/night for all the starters refreshments in the form of a buffet in a covered tent: potatoes, eggs, pickles, chips, biscuits, chocolate, fruit, salt, grape sugar, ...
To drink: water, colas, juices, ionic drinks, non-alcoholic beer, various types of tea, coffee.
There will also be a second basic refreshment without staff on the circuit.
protection of personal data
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By registering for the race, the participant consents to the use of the name, photos and video for the purposes of promoting the K6 race
accompanying tents
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It will be possible to set up your own rest/refreshment tents near the start/finish in areas defined by the organizer. These premises are without connection to the electricity network.
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Every day, a designated time when it will be possible to use the services of professional masseurs and physiotherapists for free.
how to get to K6
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By plane: Václav Havel Airport (PRG) - bus/train Pilsen - bus/train Konstantinovy Lázně
By car:
A – A6 Waidhaus – Konstantinovi Lázně (62km)
B – D5 Praha – Konstantinovy Lázně (120km)
C – Folmava – Konstantinovy Lázně (75km)
D – Boží Dar – Konstantinovy Lázně (85km)
By train:
A – Praha – Plzeň – Konstantinovy Lázně (Bezdružice)
B – Cheb – Pňovany – Konstantinovy Lázně
By bus:
Praha – Plzeň – Stříbro – Konstantinovy Lázně